We provide drilling, field, geophysical research and pyrotechnic research for determining physico-indexical and mechanical properties of soils and rocks, mapping of geological and hydrogeological structures.
We deal with data concerning founding of buildings (both line and areal buildings, family houses) and their rehabilitation, establishing and improvement of dumps and generally any engineering geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology and other geological and bordering fields. We are equipped by the accredited (ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018) laboratory of the soil and rock mechanics. We provide our service both in the Czech Republic and abroad and the company´s price policy enables accessibility of the offered services to both major and minor customers.
About the company – GEODRILL s.r.o.
The company GEODRILL s.r.o. was established in 1993 out of a centre oriented on drilling, engineering-geological and hydrogeological works of the company Geofyzika a.s. Brno. These activities also prevailed during the first years of functioning of the company. The firm began to carry out also geophysical research in 1994, which stayed dominant throughout the following decade. At present, all the abovementioned branches of the company´s activity are balanced. The number of employees has increased from the original five to the present 30. The annual financial turnover of the performed works ranged in total in the interval between 50 to 100 millions of crowns during the last 10 years.